Monday, February 14, 2011

Chinese use chopsticks 』turn the twelve taboo

 Chinese people use chopsticks to eat is handed down from ancient times, in ancient times known as have a right-handed enforcement chopsticks, chopsticks thumb and forefinger on top, the other three fingers hold on the natural bent of chopsticks, and chopsticks at both ends must be aligned. in the use of the process, before dinner chopsticks must be neatly stacked the right side of the bowl, then after dinner the vertical code must be placed neatly in the middle of the rice bowls. But this should be an absolute contraindication to the use of chopsticks, the following twelve methods:
1, sitting in waiting: This means to say in the dining process before or meal will be choppy chopsticks on the table. This approach is quite unlucky, we usually call it After people died in the past that is to put into the coffin, and in people pretending to go after the coffin cover has not covered when an integral part of the coffin before and after the two short planks, a total of three long on both sides of the bottom of the board, five together pieces of wood coffin made of exactly the dies, so it was a very unlucky thing.
2, immortal guiding: it is extremely not be accepted, this method of chopsticks is to use the thumb and middle finger, ring finger, little finger and hold the chopsticks, and the index finger extended. This is the Chinese people's eyes is called Beijing generally to refer to each other when the index finger extended, most of the meaning with the accused. So, eating with chopsticks with the fingers of people, is tantamount to blaming others, it is the same with the curse, is not allowed. there is a This kind of situation is the meaning of that meal and conversation with others of a person with chopsticks.
3, The Sound of goods chopsticks: it is not enough, its approach is one end of the chopsticks in your mouth, mouth to go back to sucking, not when the sizzling sound. This was seen as a degrading practice. because of chopsticks when eating sucking mouth itself is a rude behavior, coupled with coupled with sound it is annoying. Therefore, the general practice will be considered there is the lack of tutoring, the same can not be allowed.
4, hit light knock cup: This behavior is seen as beggars beg for food, its approach is in the dining Percussion Panwan with chopsticks. because in the past only to beggar was hit with chopsticks Fanpen, accompanied by the sounds of their mouth supplicate, to pedestrians and give alms. This approach is considered extremely degrading things , despised by others.
5, Executive chopsticks Xuncheng: this is holding chopsticks, like no one else to do, back and forth on the table with chopsticks, the food tray patrol to find, to know where is better under the chopsticks . Such behavior is typical of the lack of training performance, and extremely arrogant offensive.
6, fans and chopsticks dig grave: This is the holding chopsticks in the food tray to go on push lightly, in order to find prey , as the graves of the general plane Tomb. This practice, take their food to their plate, the hand is not neat, will live on to other dishes, soup, or table. This approach is considered a serious faux pas, the same is not desirable.
8, Trading Places: This is the that reverse use chopsticks when eating, this is very to be looked down upon, is the so-called beggars that are desperate face, and the chopsticks to fall, it is absolutely impossible.
9, Dinghaishenzhen: in to use chopsticks when eating a dish plate inserted, which is not, it is considered to be on the same table eating a shame people. In making such a move when eating, no different from people in Europe in public on out the meaning of the middle finger is the same, this is not enough.
10, in public and pay his respects: good intentions are often out of someone else hold rice, in order to facilitate the easy way to insert a pair of chopsticks in the rice gave each other. is will be regarded as disrespectful, because the Chinese tradition of incense for the dead, only do so if the pair of chopsticks into the rice, the same is deemed to pay his respects to the dead, like, so that the chopsticks inserted In the bowl is never acceptable.
11, Cross Cross: This is often not noticed by the people, the meal will easily cross the chopsticks on the table. This is wrong for the Chinese people believe that hit a fork on the table, is the negation of all other people the same table, just as students wrong job, the teacher playing in the fork of the same nature, can not be accepted by others. In addition, this approach is not of their own respect, because in the past when playing a fork sued for painting, which will no doubt denying themselves, this is not enough.
12, landing scared of God: the so-called chopsticks fall on the ground, this is a manifestation of a serious faux pas. because the Chinese people believe that their ancestors were all buried in the ground, should not be disturbed, chopsticks is equivalent to disturb the ground floor of the ancestors, which is a large lack of filial piety, so this behavior is also not allowed. but this has broken laws, but the chopsticks for a landing on the floor of the chopsticks should be used quickly by sitting under their direction, draw the cross on the ground. The first thing after the north-south direction. which means I am not things should not disturb their ancestors, and then from chopsticks, also said that he damn mouth.
the twelve above-mentioned taboo chopsticks is our daily life should be noted that, as a ceremonies and ancient The city, through the use of a pair of chopsticks small, we can let people see his rich cultural heritage.

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