Thursday, February 17, 2011

Application of everyone know through activex

 Activex do not register can not be identified by the system and use the normal installation procedure automatically City activex control to use it up, but if you get a control to manually up how to do it? Modified the registry if it too cumbersome, and in the system folder windows have a regsvr32.exe program that comes with windows is the registration and anti-registration tool activex.
2000 system regsvr32.exe in the winnt system32 folder; < br> WInXP system regsvr32.exe in the windows system32 folder
regsvr32 usage is:
dllname file name for the activex control, it is recommended before installation copied to the system folder.
parameters have the following meanings:
/ u - Anti-up control
/ s - either up the victory or not, does not display boxes
/ c - Console output
/ i - skip option controls the demolition (and up differences)
/ n - do not register the control, this option must be with the / i option all the way to execute the command using the method
1, in the key, and indirect input in the input field can
2, at the start - run enter cmd, bring up the r l a command prompt window, and then run regsvr32 command.
Second, Regsvr32 error message stated
When using Regsvr32.exe, it tries to load the component and call its DLLSelfRegister function. If this attempt is successful, Regsvr32.exe displays a dialog box that instigated successful. If this experiment lost, Regsvr32.exe returns an error message, and one may include a Win32 error code.
RegSvr32 in the following table describes the error messages and possible causes.
Unrecognized flag: / invalid_flag
typed an invalid combination marks or switch (see See this article section).
Dllname was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer or DllUnregisterServer entry point was not found.
Dllname not. dll or. ocx file. For example, typing regsvr32 wjview.exe the error message will be born.
For example, type regsvr32 icwdial.dll will return after the news of the problems, because Icwdial.dll file can not own up. If you have damaged the memory suspicion Dllname version, start the computer from the new test examination, or re-raised with the file of the the first edition. If you are running Windows NT, may need to use Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Capital Kit Kill or Pview tools. there closed additional information, please click to view the following Microsoft Knowledge Base: 197155 Ruohe stop Lingding process OleInitialize failed (or OleUninitialize failed).
Regsvr32 must initialize the COM library and then can call needed COM library functions and is closed to cancel the initialization of the library.
1, light tight fix IE browser
regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll
regsvr32 browseui.dll
1, while running more than you can handle ordered to open a new IE window does not mind, but also with the mouse to click a hyperlink in any response out of the subject;
2, but also solve the other big big and small small IE problems not exactly like the page is displayed, JAVA consequences does not appear, the page does not automatically jump, always prompt to open some sites r so l can not display the page.
2, address line into the Windows can not Grade
regsvr32 wupdinfo . dll
Windows vulnerability in many, from time to time need to use You can use Regsvr32 to solve this problem.
3, there are new tactics against web script virus
regsvr32 / u scrrun.dll
network virus embedded in a web page full version, when on enough people do not know a ghost will unconsciously addicted to this type of virus stiff. I think that innocence is not to use anti-virus software is less than a gram of these script virus preparedness site, from that of the mechanism of virus spread hands. complex network made script virus, spread from both not open FSO object (File System Object, file system objects), and thus disable the FSO object to control the script could usefully spread of the virus.
FSO tool if you need application, the key into the
IV ZIP uninstall feature that comes with Win XP
regsvr32 / u zipfldr.dll
Win XP to function known for strong, but some functions have often makes a ; the flu, such as the Win XP built-in ZIP functionality and image preview function, not only takes up system resources, functions as third-party software in recent growth. Regsvr32 ordered its application can easily uninstall these features.
5, Thumbnail view file can not fix the problem
2000: begin r Run, type regsvr32 thumbvw.dll
XP: Start r Run, type regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
six WMP player to receive support RM format
much love friends with Windows Media Player (hereinafter referred to as WMP) player, but it does not support the RM pattern, so why not have to plant other player software? I have measures.
to Win XP, for example, the end of the first download a RM format plug-in, the solution obtained after tightening two folders: Release (for Windows 9x), and Release Unicode (for Windows 2000/XP); to Release Unicode under the folder files to the WINDOWS System32 RM format with WMP plays audio and video files.
7, the player appears to WMP9
some music pages need to use the online VOD Media Player, and some friends was installed WMP9, but the music is online monotonous WMP6 only see the player panel, want a beautiful WMP9 panel appears, of course, no problem.
most common problems of the operating system WIN 98, to close IE, then in the search functions, sponsorship and support or management tools, but is no response, it is their lack of relationship between the Open, so we'll just use regsvr32 up call they need like a dynamic link library files.
9, plus Add / Remove Programs can not open the regsvr32 appwiz.cpl
regsvr32 mshtml.dll
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 msi.dll
regsvr32 ole db oledb32.dll / i shell32.dll
When you open the control panel Add / Remove Programs, click it's icon no response, closed or open after the initiative, test orders can be solved using the above test. < br> 10, XP user account can not open regsvr32 nusrmgr.cpl
regsvr32 mshtml.dll
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 / i shdocvw.dll
11, there are new tactics against web script virus
regsvr32 / u scrrun.dll disable the FSO object using the FSO object
regsvr32 scrrun.dll
12, solve the problem of Windows can not update online the following symptoms regsvr32 wupdinfo.dll
IE, I called it Sports scripting vulnerability, of course, the two royal decree to repair, but the root of the problem is not temporary, I propose that the subject's friends met to update the Microsoft Web site IE Insurance, which beat flaw patch.
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 vbscript.dll
1, with the construction mentioned above complex method of common use IE browser (can not fit), can be very good for reading certain pages and functions can not normally appear abnormal, such as: < br> a. does not display some of the verification code
b. does not display some of the dynamic image
c. is not implicit in some forum posts forum list
d. useless
quick jump function e. Forum made exposed, press Ctrl + Enter to submit no response
2, repair of individual window blank, such as XP, the search function r l search assistant control panel blank, the system restore page blank blank black page and the user accounts and so on. ( fixes grasp the degree of 100%)
3, solve the windows media player 9 or later to suffer when the remind l show opening sequence of the internal use of fault r. (fixes the masteries 100%)
4, can repair win 2000's l add / remove programs r opens a vacancy. (fixes the masteries 99%)
5, win 2000 to address ways to view WEB Program Files folder and the Winnt folder do not see any files, and l control panel r's icon to go to the right side of the issue.
6, to solve the right click menu page Flashget feature is not available.
the site, when the left side link to download a l r, it will pop-up menu, decision to use Flashget to download r l will further obligation to the download page pop-up FLASHGET, if the function was not reflected in the invention,
the first step (on MSDTC service)
Open the Control Panel Administrative Tools r r r services find the service Distributed Transaction Coordinator r r right property to start the example of certain r manually or automatically and then start the service right
Note: If you do not start this service or not, explain your machine may not install this service, ; run above still can not find the pace to start the service if the service, the first two steps need to restart your computer

started running r r CMD
enter cd% windir% system32 inetsrv Enter
enter rundll32 wamreg. dll, CreateIISPackage Enter
enter regsvr32 asptxn.dll success appears to enter the third step
enter iisreset / start
open the Administrative Tools control panel r r r Internet Information Services will acquiesce Web site will launch (with a triangular arrow)
OK Gongbaichuicheng IE7.0 if you need to set up equipment, then display
open IE browser, click Tools Internet Options r r r secure site local Internet r r r Higher Input 1, reboot the system, before entering the Win XP press F8, select Run ; BORDER-LEFT-WIDTH: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; CURSOR: pointer; PADDING-TOP: 0px; LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none; BORDER-RIGHT-WIDTH : 0px , the user must enter a user name and password. Check the at the same time, network security has been provoked. in particular hacking, is the biggest network security risks threatening. In order to allow users to understand the pace and hackers attacks, met in real applications, hackers can do when The use of targeted attacks, different systems under different circumstances they often used method of attack is different, but in general, common hacking methods are so few: password attacks, Trojan attacks, virus attacks , e-mail attacks, exploits, denial of service attacks, spoofing, sniffing attacks, session hijacking attacks, social engineering attacks. Here we look specifically to the defense of these attacks and their response to recommendations.
1, password attacks < br> password hacker attack is the most established method of attack, from the day it was born hackers began to be used, such attack in three specific ways:
1, brute force method. After knowing the user's account force with some specialized software crack user passwords (including remote login and password storage file crack Passwd, Sam's break), this method should be plenty of patience and time, but there are then a number of user accounts using a simple password, so Hackers can be quick to crack.
2, so the system login screen method. In the attack started on a host to perform the pace of the performance of the French sector of a fabricated login, when users type the pretense of the user interface name, code, the French will be the user input information to the attacker host.
3, is a network monitor to get the user password. such methods of great harm, listeners are often able to obtain a segment of all its user account and password, but also the range of, on the specific network monitoring will be on our road to here is not to say.
defense policy
password to be effective in preventing attacks, the system should cover the legal account to prevent leakage, prohibited Finger service, because of the account, the hacker would use it to guess the password;
should use a more secure password encryption mechanism, such as MD5, BLOWFISH, etc.; should try to use complex passwords, the best English, mark, figure includes capitalization of the portfolio, not user name, account number, photograph date, commonly used English words such as the password, the password security just in front of hackers to 0 and solve them as long as a few seconds;
should limit the length of the password, do not use 5 or 5 characters as a password below .5 bit encryption is very solid, secure password at least eight, regularly change your password;
should Log in for some long distance services must be carried out within the time limit user logon times, guess solution to prevent hackers long.
Second, the Trojan horse attack
preparation of a number of seemingly a channel to access your system, which is Send to deceive users and users running fake it all came in. When the user runs the software, the software will quietly perform its illegal features: tracking the user's computer, records the user to enter account password and other sensitive information online, and send them to specified e-mail hacker. If it is like computer.
Trojan defense objectives
attack preparedness preparedness preparedness and detection methods can be divided into two part.
prevention, the biggest characteristic of the Trojans before to trigger the display function, if you do not trigger it, Even if it is to your hard drive is also of no avail, so be careful not to run software from unknown sources, the dead stranger to you the software, no matter how Koubuzeyan He played and do not run; download software just to be asked any large website.
in the detection, due to hackers, Trojans running connected to expect, it will often listen on a port, so pay attention to regularly monitor the internal TCP service listening on the host, but also to see if there is suspicious processes, you can also install some antivirus software, specifically killing anti-hacking software, trojan and firewall software.
3, virus attacks on computer viruses
presumably everyone has understood, soon after their point of view on road , and its really the computer virus written by the hacker as the human viruses, aimed as much infected computer, the computer once the flu virus that it will hold down, and at the destruction of hard disk data, the destruction of the system as well as computer hardware, and when a computer is infected with a virus, it will lead to a caregiver will other new computers to infect.
particular attention is now frequent appearance of The So a good anti-virus software installed virus rampant in the network is required in the period.
defense policy
a good antivirus software installed, on time for all virus detection system, eliminate the work, and note the updated The virus database, preparing a boot disk, because the detoxification of the most disturbing fortunately no circumstances the virus, the virus ability to completely solve the intrusion;
respected knowledge of software property rights, not bandits software;
new computer and the newly installed system, must be carried out system upgrades, security fixes all known security vulnerabilities. usually also from the software suppliers should always download and install security patches and antivirus software downgrade, in order to plug the loopholes in the system in real time, as the original system files should be backed up, in fact, often useful for backing up data is not only against viruses, hacker attacks to meet all of the other when they are very effective, e-mail attacks generally refers to e-mail bomb attacks, which is a common hacker attacks, it is fake IP address and e-mail address to send mail to the unity of thousands, millions or even the contents of identical infinitely repeated malicious e-mail, also known as bulk spam. Since each individual's mailbox is limited, when a large e-mail spam to mail the moment, it will squeeze Qian-mail, so can not accept normal mail. at the same time , because it takes a lot of network resources, often lead to obstruction of the network, so that normal users can not connect to the mail server, mail server and those that may give harm the operating system a few years ago had a hacker to use this attack means to make Sina, tiger, and several other popular genre of world-class web site Email server to its knees a few dozen hours, so e-mail attacks may also be seen as a denial of service attack.
defense policy
now for e-mail address not a surefire plan troubled bomb should be prevention.
terms of individual users, use the mail client software for filtering spam filtering efficiency criteria set break, to not read in the loss to the dregs of mail filtering may also be used Some contend with e-mail bomb automatic forwarding of mail forwarding to the limit, the mail anti-hacker attack line into the principles.
5, vulnerability exploits
attacks hackers use the easiest way to attempt. Many systems and network application software there are numerous security vulnerabilities, such as the shared directory Windows98 password authentication vulnerability, Windows2000 of Unicode, printer, ida, idq, webdav vulnerability, Unix's Telnet, RPC vulnerability, Sendmail mail server software vulnerabilities, while a variety of CGI-based Web services, vulnerability, etc., these are most likely to be exploited loopholes in the system. in particular some of the buffer overflow cloven hoof, cloven hoof using these buffer overflow, hackers can not only send a special data packet to the service or system failures, even after the spill can be accurately controlled to write the code in the warehouse, so that The hackers could execute arbitrary decree, to enter and control system.
defense policy
reason from the loopholes, these causes of vulnerability because of vision defects, and most programmers fail to safety norms programming, so vulnerability reduction and discourage plan should complement the inadequate system to secure programming for the programmer in strict accordance with the norms of programming. However, due to the current operating system and applications more numerous and ambitious, wanted to have millions of these The software code constitutes a security vulnerability does not guarantee the relative is not enough energy, so users should be more mundane daily existence dependents system and the security bulletin issued by software vendors, real-time patch. from the administrator of the system management point of view, although the operating system provides the promise Many more services, but not a specific to a user is required of all, many have no access to basic services, and system services to open more loopholes in it the greater the probability of management Members of the situation should be based on their own practice to stop certain services, Qidan reduce security risks can also add speed.
declined to act in denial of service attacks against (DoS) is one of the most long-term attack is the most common situation It uses TCP / IP protocol shortcomings, will provide the network service of the capital runs out, resulting in her inability to supply less than normal, is an ambitious desire of ill, the persecution of network attacks. is strictly speaking not a refusal of service attack possible kinds of attack in detail, but said the attack out of the results, the ultimate purpose of the system makes the fruit having a certain level of damage and can not continue to provide normal services, and even cause physical paralysis or collapse. DoS attacks can be so one way to wrist, and can be set to open a variety of round-type use, nothing but the result is the same, namely, user frustration due to visit the required information.
denial of service attacks often can be divided into two varieties of type: A attack is the network protocol used by hackers to send a number of flaws or vulnerabilities illegal data or data packets, making the death machine or restart the system, so that a system or network failure, such as Land attack, WinNuke, Ping of Death, TearDrop and so on. another of attacks truth is forged in a short time a large number of connection requests to send packets to the network location of the port services, such as 80-port, cucumber, also known as cucumber, melon king, thus consuming the bandwidth of the system's CPU and memory or device, yellow, 2007 -03-02, the formation of the server running out of resources, systems and even the collapse of the corresponding end, there is a world, there are typical attacks include SYN flood, ICMP flood, UDP flood, etc..
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is coercion at the present the number one network. It is fundamental in the traditional DoS attacks took place on a class of attacks. DoS attacks are usually a single attack to take one to one, while the distributed denial of service attacks is to control multiple computers from hackers (which can also be so numerous a few units) at the same time attacks, such as Xu's attack even large site is also very easy to resist.
defense policy
we know the specific form of denial of service attacks are diverse , the detailed form of attack on specific defense methods. But overall speaking, the most basic attack countermeasures, or to solve control systems, protocol stacks, and network services and application software vulnerabilities, real-time patch is installed, the fair security settings. Installing IDS on the network traffic, communication processes and system resources to conduct oversight, and waterproof walls to set the router filter rules strictly.
of distributed denial of service also need to check with all aspects of general users, local ISP and the rest of the network management harmony between institutions need each other because as the user to do more than make do with the number of points DoS, DDoS attacks are received after pleading local upstream ISP to filter these packets and discarded, but also actively DDoS attacks to contact the source of network governance institutions request the joint venture.
7, spoofing attacks
often see a hacker spoofing attacks: IP spoofing, DNS spoofing spoofing attacks, web spoofing attacks.
IP spoofing attacks, the hackers to change their IP address, disguised as another computer's IP address to obtain information or be privileged. such as the Unix machine can establish trust between the association, making it easy to access these hosts, and the fundamental relationship of trust IP addresses are used for authentication, so you know what IP spoofing it incompetent.
electronic mail spoofing attacks. hacker sent to a user e-mail for a start, and modify the message header information (so e-mail address The system administrator looks exactly the same e-mail address), in which he falsely that he is administrator, said that because the system led to sectors of user data server prevent lost, requiring the user to his little private information immediately with my E- mail reply to him, this is a model example of an e-mail spoofing attacks.
Web spoofing attacks that hackers will copy a site's pages are down, and then modify the links, enabling users to access these links will go through hacking control of the host, then hackers will do everything possible to allow users to access the modified page, he is monitoring the user during the entire HTTP request, to steal user account and password and other information, and even ...

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