Tuesday, January 18, 2011

English Premier League players earn 60 million tax avoidance ball well and Rooney will need to pay 100 million terrorism

 According to the British

tax rate down to only 2% of staggering, according to current UK tax laws, the players need to be imposed would have 50% income tax.

data show that, through loopholes, Manchester United's Wayne Rooney over the past two years, pay less tax of 60 pounds; Manchester City's Barry is paid less than the amount of tax payable 13.5 million pounds.

found this loophole, the United Kingdom HM Revenue and Customs are studying ways to solve their intention to do the star belongs to the club claim 1 billion pounds.

Because these players through their own image rights companies charge into the club's image rights, so you can avoid the high tax rate. In addition to the players to do the weekly £ 20, Wayne Rooney, Chelsea's Ashley Cole but also its ex-wife Xie Lier, veteran Frank Lampard, Stewart Ridge teenager, Manchester United's Rio Ferdinand and Owen, Arsenal's Theo Walcott, and James and other former England abroad.

these players signed two contracts with the club, they only receive the basic wage, the right to income as the portrait, shirt sales and other commercial activities into income is distributed to their affiliated companies, under the law, so this income to pay only 28% of the tax, rather than the normal personal income tax of 50%. Next, the players then the welfare way of loans by borrowing money from the company to recover the tax rate only 2%. British

Royal Revenue and Customs confirmed that they belong to the players range of companies included in the survey and hope that the way through to the club claim loss of revenue to make up the country. But a spokesman for Rooney said:

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