Monday, January 24, 2011

Beijing will be built during the Twelfth Five-Year Planning, the city of innovation and create livable homes

 In the successful completion of the Humanities, Beijing, Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing green development strategies and long-term objective world city with Chinese characteristics has been established as the whole city Ningxinjuli, lasting promote the scientific development of the capital of a powerful driving force to promote the goals Beijing to higher value and higher levels of development towards .

newspaper on the , World city with Chinese characteristics, strategic positioning, but also presented the encouraging these perspectives, it is worth looking forward to the clear outline.

city of Beijing will be built innovation.

fundamental purpose is to enable the development of people to live a happy life.

expanding population of Beijing in the development of practical problem, efforts to curb rapid population growth disorder.

how to control traffic congestion has become a The next five years, the Beijing Railway mileage reached 660 kilometers, and built one of the world's largest subway network; central city public transport trips increased from the current 40.1%, increase to 50% ... ...

social security so that each citizen has a secure future.

in the The next 5 years, Beijing will not only make the green as a mode of production, but also to become a lifestyle, consumption patterns, creating a green home livable.

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disposable income of urban residents, rural residents per capita net income of the average annual growth rate of 8%

urban and rural pension, medical insurance rate of 95%

town Insurance enrollment rate of five workers 98%

key food safety monitoring and checking of qualified rate of> 98% of the whole society R & D investment share of GDP accounted for> 5.5%

urban air quality secondary and a good proportion of the number of days in the secondary 80%

registered urban unemployment rate 3.5%

urban and rural pension, medical insurance rate of 95%

rate of five insurance program for urban workers, 98%

key food safety monitoring and checking of qualified rate of> 98%

Drug testing pass rate 98%

society as a whole R & D into account the proportion of GDP> 5.5%

better urban air quality and the ratio of the number in two days 80%

the proportion of central city public transport trips 50%

the city's forest green rate 57%

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